Cloud Computing

Make your Ubuntu a Mac operating system by changing the theme.

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Most of us  computer users are familiar with the Mac operating system. The design of Mac OS is amazing. Many people want to use Mac but for some reason they can’t. Good news for Ubuntu users. Today we will show you how to convert your Ubuntu to Mac i.e. how to make Ubuntu look like a full Mac. So without further ado let’s get started.

Install the software

There are a few things we need to do before changing our Ubuntu theme. First we need to install two software. For that open terminal in ubuntu then type sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool gnome-shell-extensions and enter. Click here after installed properly . After clicking you will see a page like below.

After coming here click on Click here to install browser extension button. Then install it as an extension in your browser. To make your Ubuntu look like a Mac, there are a few things you need to change before changing the theme. After this extension is installed, refresh the page once and then click on the User Themes option in the lists below. After clicking you will see a page like below.

After such a page opens, turn the button on the top right from off to on. A popup will appear in front of you from there click on install button. Click on extensions option from the menu at the top . Then type Frippery Move Clock in the search bar. An option like below will appear.

Click on the first option here and click on the install button from off to on as before. You will then see the clock on top of your Ubuntu move from the center to the right. Then again click on extensions option from the menu above. Type Dynamic Panel Transparency in the search bar and install the first option that comes up. The way it works is if you have a software open and if it is small or medium then dragging it up will make it bigger. Install Compiz windows effect as before . Its function is if you have any software open in small or medium state, then if you move it, it will go from side to side gracefully.

Install the theme

Once the above tasks are done, let’s install the theme again. But before installing the theme let’s do another small task. Open the tweaks software in Ubuntu . A window like below will open.

Here you will see many options from there click on window titlebars option.

Click the left button from the placement option. Then you will see the close minimize icon has moved to the left. To install the theme first we need to download the theme click here.

Go to the files tab and click on the first download button to download the theme file. After downloading, extract the file. Copy the extracted folder. Click on the home option from the file manager’s sidebar.

First show the hidden files. For that click on show hidden files option as shown in the image . Then create a new folder called .themes. Open that folder and paste your copied theme folder. Now the task is to activate the theme. If the tweaks software is open, cut it and open it.

Click on the Appearance option.

Click on the options next to the text Applications then you will see the list of themes from there select WhtieSur – light theme. Then you will see that your Ubuntu theme has changed.

Install custom dock

Now our task is to remove the dock on the left side and install our custom dock. For that first remove the default dock. Therefore, open the extensions software on your computer.

Scroll down and turn off the Ubuntu Dock option. Then click here. Enter Dash to Dock in the search bar . Click on the first one and install as before. Then a window like below will open in front of you.

From now on, customize the dock as you wish.

Here’s how to make your Ubuntu look like a Mac beautifully.

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